Windows 10 Pro 20H1 19041.546 Super Lite Gamer pt-BR x64 torrent
Windows 10 Super Lite Gamer
|||| RETURN ||||||
Construction: 20H1 –
Construction: 20H2 –
Architecture: x64
Language: pt-BR (native)
BIOS: UEFI / legacy
format: ISO / ESD
Md5: 9A968E8CB5F752870239FB8200E424AF
======== EDIES ======
Gamer 20H1: Windows 10 Professional
Gamer 20H2: Windows 10 Professional
======== RECALL ======
APPS / XBOX / GamerBar
Microsoft Store
A reader
Cortana – Job Search
========= OBS =========
OneDrive – Replaceable again
LOJA / XBOX / GamerBar – Can be reset again in the GHOST TOOLBOX app
Microsoft Store – installer in the GHOST TOOLBOX app
WINDOWS DEFENDER has been run, but an application disabling or protecting ease of access launches me, or in the search bar
==== BUILT-IN =====
Ghost Toolbox
Classic calculator
New wallpaper
Classic Image Viewer
Visual C ++ 2015 to 2019
7 sips
By: Gleison Lima

Votes good: 21 Votes bad: 3
- Windows 10 Pro 20H1 19041.546 Super Lite Gamer pt-BR x64 download
- Windows 10 Pro 20H1 19041.546 Super Lite Gamer pt-BR x64 Torrent